Belle View Beat-February 3, 2025
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A Message from the PrincipalDear Belle View Families,
It was so much fun to see so many of our students and families join is for the Winter Dance. Thank you to the PTA for hosting such an amazing event.
This week, we celebrate National School Counselors Week. Belle View is so lucky to have Ms. Sheckels as our school counselor. She works so hard to make sure the social-emotional needs of all of our students are met!
This Wednesday, students will be bringing home their 2nd quarter progress reports. Please take a moment to celebrate your child's progress and talk about perseverance and motivation for a 3rd and 4th quarters.
Next Monday, February 10th is a 3-hour early release Monday. Dismissal is at 12:55. If you have a childcare hardship for that day, please email Ms. Lehner at [email protected].
I also hope to see many parents join us tomorrow, Tuesday 2/3 for the PTA meeting in the library at 6:30 to learn about all things Benchmark.
Proud Principal,
Katie Pluntke
February 10th. Early Release.
Dismissal is at 12:55
Childcare hardship? Please email Ms. Lehner at
THIS FRIDAY! 6th Grade Parent Coffee-Middle School TransitionCome join us for coffee and conversation with a Carl Sandburg Middle School Representative
Friday, February 7th 9:30-10:30 in the Cafeteria
Love our staff as much as I do? Please nominate a staff member for and FCPS cares award.
On behalf of myself and the PTA I would just like to say thank you to everyone who donated to the staff breakfast. Your generosity was greatly appreciated, especially by the teachers and staff who were all greatly touched by the love and support shown to them by the Belle View Community.
The event was an overwhelming success and I received many thank yous from the teachers and staff and just wanted to pass those thanks on to everyone. Personally, I would like to thank everyone as well, without your kind donations of food and drinks the event would not have been possible.
Jeff Foltz
A message from our Family Liaison, Mrs. GarciaPlease join us for the 6th Grade Parents Coffee and Conversation on Friday, February 7th from 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. The 6th grade team and staff from Sandburg Middle School will lead a discussion and answer questions about your child’s transition to middle school. Please let us know you are coming by completing this form. Questions? Contact Amy Garcia, Family Liaison, [email protected].
Fairfax County Public Schools is offering a free 10-week parenting class called Loving Solutions. The class teaches concrete strategies to address difficult behaviors, including positive reinforcement, setting clear limits, and effective communication. Learn to support strong-willed children in a positive and loving way. The class is being held weekly, beginning Tuesday, February 11, from 6:30-8:30pm. The workshop is offered in English. Dinner (starting at 6:00pm) and childcare are provided. Register today using this form. Questions or need help registering? Please contact Amy Garcia, Family Liaison, [email protected] or call/text 571-501-8170.
📑 Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost for all FCPS Students K-12
FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.
Third Grade learning about water conservation.
Coming Soon...Student Engagement SurveyOur school will participate in the FCPS Student Experience Survey. This survey will gather important feedback from students about their school experiences to help FCPS make meaningful improvements.
All students in grades 3-6, except those who have opted out, will receive a link to the survey in their FCPS email on February 24. We will administer the survey during the school day between Monday, February 24, and Friday, March 7. Any student may take the survey at home, if they are unable to take the survey during the school day. You will receive a communication with details on how to preview the survey and opt your child out on 2/3 if you choose.
We believe it's important to hear from our students about what we're doing well and where we can improve. This work also aligns with the five equity commitments in FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan, which focus on amplifying student voice and experiences as we work toward meeting plan goals.
PTA Meeting-Tuesday, 2/4 All About Benchmark Reading Program for grades K-6.
6th Grade Parent Coffee-Friday, 2/7 9:30 AM
Early Release Monday-Monday, 2/10 12:55 Dismissal
PTA Updates
Join the PTA here!
PTA Meeting, Tuesday, February 4th at 6:30 pm in the library, featuring Mrs. Borasky, our reading specialist to discuss Benchmark curriculum and more.
Quick Links- FCPS School Year Calendars
- Forms for the Start of School
- Student Rights & Responsibilities
- FCPS Schoology Support
- Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information
- Educate Fairfax
- FCPS Cares
Name:Lindsay Ahart
Position: 1st grade teacher
Years in FCPS/Education: 5 with FCPS, 18 in education
Interest/hobbies:stand up paddleboarding, sailing, surfing, hydrangeas, art, chocolate, movies, travel, country concerts, LA sports, my church and MY FAMILY!
Favorite Children’s Book: The Day the Crayons Quit
6701 Fort Hunt Rd, Alexandria, VA 22307 | Main Office: 703-660-8300
Attendance: 703-660-8383 | Web | Facebook | Instagram