Student Testing
Students at Belle View Elementary School are assessed in many areas throughout the school year. Families will receive a testing notification letter about the assessment their child will take, as well as the results of each test.
Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County Public Schools assessments that our students take are:
- Abilities Tests: CogAT and Naglieri (NNAT)
- FCPS Universal Screener iReady
- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener
- Standards of Learning (SOL) test
- Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP)
- Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System (VALLSS)
- WIDA for multilingual learners
SOL Testing Information
SOL Overview
Students in grades 3-6 participate in Virginia's Standard of Learning Assessments each year. The purpose of SOL Testing in elementary school is to measure how well students have mastered specific standards. It also provides information to the state about how students at Belle View are performing on state assessments. This information is used to accredit our school by the state. This test is also used to measure growth - we can compare scores to previous tests to see how students have improved.
2024-2025 SOL Test Schedule
Tuesday, March 18: Grade 5 Integrated Reading and Writing SOL (Specials will start at 3:00 pm.)
Monday, May 5: Grade 3 Reading
Tuesday, May 6: Grade 5 Reading
Wednesday, May 7: Grade 4 Reading
Thursday, May 8: Grade 6 Reading
Monday, May 12: Grade 3 Math (Lunch change, stay tuned for more info)
Tuesday, May 13: Grade 5 Math & Students in Grade 5 taking Grade 6 Math
Wednesday, May 14: Grade 4 Math
Thursday, May 15: Grade 6 Math & Students in Grade 6 taking Grade 7 Math
Tuesday, May 20: Grade 5 Science
Week of Tuesday, May 27: Retakes
Day of the Test
Make sure your child has a good night’s rest the night before and arrives at school by 9:10 a.m. each morning on testing day. Students may eat breakfast and participate in a short morning meeting before starting their test. Students will eat lunch around their usual lunch time.
Tests are untimed but approximately 60-75 minutes. Students have as long as they need to complete the test.
Student Resources
VDOE Released Test Items: Released tests are representative of the content and skills included in the Virginia SOL tests and are provided to assist in understanding the format of the tests and questions.
TestNav Practice Tests: Use the online testing software to practice test taking strategies with online tools and view technology-enhanced items.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If my student does not pass the SOL, will they repeat the same grade level?
A: Students are not denied promotion or access based solely on an SOL score in elementary school.
Q: What score does my student need to pass the SOL?
A: A perfect score on an SOL test is a 600. If a student scores between 500 and 600, they score in the Pass/Advance range. Any score of 400 or higher is considered passing. Anything below a 400 is considered failing. Scores fall in either the Fail/Basic range or the Fail/Below basic range. If a student scores between a 375 and a 399, they are eligible to try the test again after receiving some remediation, with parent permission. Complete the SOL Retake Permission Form in English, Spanish, or another language.
Q: How can I help my student prepare for the test?
A: Use online resources linked in the Student Resources section above to practice test items. Reduce testing anxiety or stress by playing outside, using positive self-talk, and practicing deep breathing.
Q: When will I receive student scores?
A: Student scores will be available in ParentVUE before the end of the school year.
FCPS Testing Webpage
SOL Testing in FCPS
School Testing Coordinators
- Assistant Principal, ES
- School Based Technology Specialist